Using a Lowes credit card gives you the opportunity to avail various offers and discounts. But before using it, you need to activate it. Here we have explained the process to activate Lowes credit card online in simple steps.
Step 1: Visit the official website of Lowes
First, visit the official website of .
- On the homepage, click on the “Credit Card” or “Manage Your Credit Card” option.
- You will be taken to the sign in page.
Step 2: Login to your account
If you already have a Lowes account:
- Enter your username and password and log in.
If you don't have an account: - Click on "Create Account" and create a new account by filling in your details.
Step 3: Choose the option to activate the card
- After login, select the option “Activate Card”.
- You will need to fill in your Lowes credit card details.
Step 4: Fill in the required information
- Enter your card's 16-digit number.
- Enter the card's expiry date and CVV code.
- Fill in your personal details like name, date of birth and SSN (Social Security Number).
Step 5: Submit
After filling all the information correctly, click on the "Submit" or "Activate" button.
Step 6: Receive confirmation
Once the process is complete, you will see a confirmation screen. With this, your Lowes credit card will be activated and you can start using it.
Benefits of Activating the Lowes Card
- Offers and Discounts : Lowe's credit card holders enjoy exclusive discounts and offers.
- Online Payment : You can pay your bill online.
- Convenient use : Track your expenses and billing through the Lowe's app or website.
Now you can start using your Lowe’s credit card and enjoy shopping at Lowe’s!
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